Monday, April 17, 2017

The Friend

"Why are you nice to me?" Pat wanted to know. No Christian he'd crossed paths with were ever kind to him. Nor did they consider him a friend of theirs. He was nothing more than a piece of dirt to them.

Christina twisted her face and gave him a sideways glance. "You're my friend, goofy."

"But you're a Bible-believing-Christian. Your kind doesn't mix with my kind."

"What are you talking about?"

Pat scratched his head. "I'm gay. You knew that, right?" Her nonchalant attitude confused him. In all honesty, he wanted to hate her. Even argue with her on why gays and lesbians weren't going to hell.

"Yeah.. So."

"How come you don't tell me that I'm going to hell?"

"Jesus never told the woman at the well, or the adulteress, or the sick and scourged that they were going to hell. He always loved them and told them to go and sin no more," Christina chuckled. "My job is to love you and show you who He and how He is."

"Huh?" Pat couldn't debate that point.

"Besides, we all fall short. All have sinned. We all need Jesus and His salvation." Her face beamed. "And as for hell ... God made it originally for the fallen angels and demons.  However, it is expanding to include human souls. We have a choice as to where we wish to spend eternity."

He couldn't bash her gentle answer. "But why don't you badger or shun me over my lifestyle?"

"That's not my job. That belongs to the Holy Spirit."

Patrick furrowed his brows. "What does that mean?"

"In time, you'll find out. Ask Him."

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